While this picture is a bit blurry, it’s fitting as I write this through teary eyes while remembering the life well-lived by our sweet GranJane who passed away peacefully Sunday at the age of 90.

We’ve all had a few days to process that the end of her earthly life was near, but nothing really prepares you for that loss. And while the sadness is so very raw, I can’t help but celebrate the fact that I had her in my life for 40 years! What a gift!!! And my boys didn’t just know of her but they 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘 her!

She was a woman of faith, always at the church when the doors were open. From organizing a reception or the church bazaar to Daughters of the King, she was a loyal and faithful member of her church. And I take comfort in knowing that I will be with her again one day.
She was a woman of style. Never without an accessory and always with a stylish pair of shoes. She’s the only woman I’ve known who could pull off white rimmed sun glasses with elegance and class.

She was an amazing cook. No body made fried chicken quite like GranJane’s fried chicken and her vegetable beef stew was a family favorite! She’d be the first to say we all needed to lose 5 pounds then follow that up with “Who wants another piece of pie?”
She was a woman of adventure, always on the go. She and Hubby traveled the world several times over and it seemed as if there was no place they hadn’t been. I was blessed to travel the world with them as a child and hope to instill that same love of travel in my boys much like they did in me.
We occasionally talk in our Sunday school class about the legacy we want to leave behind when we die. What do we want to be truly remembered for? The most important thing I will remember about my grandmother is her deep love for her family. From wanting to be in the know on everything anyone was doing to ensuring a life of security and opportunities for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

A few trivial things that will always make me think of her include:
The scent of Laura Ashley and L’air du Temps perfume
Wrigley’s Doublemint Gum
Her big toe hurting when company left
Love pats the way only GranJane could do
Black coffee on lipstick stained styrofoam cups
Daily happy hours
And so much more!
Rest easy, GranJane! You have earned your angel wings and I will carry you in my heart until we are together again!