Baby steps, you guys! But BIG baby steps for me! And this past Saturday when she came to work with me in my home studio, what we accomplished in three hours would have taken me three days, DAYS, to complete!
So without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to The Painted Pearl's first team member and intern, Ava!
Read below for a fun Q&A I did with her!
Q&A with Ava..
Me: Ava - I know you love sports so which is your favorite to play? Ava: My favorite sport to play is soccer but I also enjoy playing basketball and running.
Me: Who's your favorite team to cheer for? Ava: I have always loved the TarHeels!
Me: What do you want to be when you grow up? Ava: I have no idea!
Me: Last book that you read was... Ava: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I read the entire series in fourth grade but I decided to reread them in my free time. It's brought back some great memories.
Me: Last question, I promise! Why did you say yes to The Painted Pearl internship? Ava: I wanted to become The Painted Pearl intern because I'm interested in learning all the behind the scenes details of a female-owned, local business that I know, from personal experience, gives back generously to the community.
Welcome to The Painted Pearl, Ava!!!
xoxo ~ Courtney