In case you need this reminder...

You've Got This! Welp, we've made it through week one of the new year and if you're anything like me, you've found yourself in this space of being super motivated to take on the world and just wanting to chill! One minute I'm making lists and setting goals and the next I'm curled up on the couch binge watching Bridgerton on Netflix, and not feeling one ounce of guilt for being a total lazy bum. When the Painted Pearl was more of a hobby, I used to take the whole month of January to chillax and mentally check out. It seemed like...
2020 in Review...

2020 wasn't all bad... Friend!! I've missed you. It feels like it's been weeks since I've popped into your inbox but really, it hasn't been that long at all. We're just stuck in that space between the holidays and the new year where everyday feels like a Monday, or Sunday, because I have no frame of reference for weekdays vs. the weekend right about now. Anywho, I hope this finds you cozied up with a cup of coffee before we all say toodle-oo to 2020! Because that's exactly where you'll find me today - cuddled up in my PJ's, lost in a book I'm eagerly...
Sweet Treats on the Cheap this Halloween!

My post may be a day late... But it's not a dollar short! In fact, I'm sharing a few tricks to make sweet treats on the cheap for what is sure to be a very different Halloween this year! #2020 It's no secret that I love a good Dollar Tree and it's where I got most of the supplies used in this "No Tricks. Just Treats!" platter for the boys. From the orange & white striped treat boxes and plastic spider and bat rings (that I cut and hot glued to paper straws) to the felt ghosts, googly eyes and the black and...
Boone or Bust!

This past weekend......we escaped to the mountains of NC, just outside of Boone, to enjoy a weekend away with friends in their mountain cabin. You know you've hit the friend jackpot when your two families, with a total of 5 kids and 2 dogs, can bunk together for four nights and still be as close at the end of the trip as you were at the beginning! Among the many laughs and few kid tears, many memories were made, some we're all still laughing about today! I may have lostseven years of my life on the hike with my two...
A lofty goal + how you can help!

CAN YOU BELIEVE... It's almost been one year since I launched my monthly earring subscription, The Earring Envelope! Last fall the idea of delivering statement earrings to your door came to my mind and before I had a single plan in place, I breathed life into it and the sign-ups started rolling in. Now here we are, a few weeks shy of The Earring Envelope's first birthday, and I've set a lofty goal for myself and here's how I need your help reaching it!! Last week I announced on social media that I wanted to add 25 new monthly subscribers to...