
Big Things Are Happening!

Big Things Are Happening!

This week, I did a thing! A really BIG thing... I made my first ever hire and added a team member to The Painted Pearl!! {<-- did I just say that out loud?!?} It still feels a bit surreal and it wasn't a decision I came to lightly. But you know what?!? It might just be the best decision I've ever made! I cannot wait to introduce you to her below but first, a brief background on the why... I still pinch myself that I get to do what I love full-time and even more so, that it is thriving thanks to you! I mean, if you...

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September + (in)Sanity

September + (in)Sanity

I nearly missed it... Popping into your inbox, that is! Ever have one of those weeks where you're a solid day behind everyone else and you don't know which end is up? On Monday, I walked around my house pinging my phone from my Apple watch, (which is the best and most used feature on my watch) only to find it under my arm! Somewhere between rushing out the door to the pool + Phillip's birthday, I stashed it under my arm pit then continued to walk around with that darn ping following me because my phone was RIGHT THERE the whole time!...

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National Dog Day with Nellie!

National Dog Day with Nellie!

Coincidence that National Dog Day falls during the dog days of summer?!? I think not! But let's be honest, everyday is dog day in our house! Oh what would we do without our Nellie Doodle! ⠀ For those knew around here, this is Nellie, our almost 2-year-old, 75-lb. Saint Berdoodle. {Saint Bernard + Poodle.} If you know our family well, you know that getting a family dog took years of convincing my husband, Phillip, to consider a dog. He was having none of it until my friend, Katelyn, introduced him to this very particular breed, the Saint Berdoodle. He was smitten...

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Sip, Sip, Hooray for the Dirty Shirley!

Sip, Sip, Hooray for the Dirty Shirley!

Anyone else a fan of the Shirley Temple? The mocktail, specifically! I remember as a kid, on very special occasions, we would get to order a Shirley Temple and we felt so grown up! And while my hometown of Gastonia, NC has grown up a lot over the years, we had to drive to Charlotte for a nice restaurant when we were younger. I mean, we thought we were big stuff when Chili's came to town!  I remember this one Charlotte restaurant we would go to for birthdays or celebrations. I believe it was called Bobby McGee's. The wait staff acted...

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An honest review on Olive & June...

An honest review on Olive & June...

I recently caved on trying Olive & June nail polish, mostly because my bestie, Heather, has been using it for a while and her nails always looked super profesh from her at-home mani.  Younger me used to paint my nails on the daily but once I "grew up" and had kids, who has time to wait on nails to dry?!? {PS I'm totally typing this post as I wait for my O&J mani to self-cure.} The current me still loves a good polished nail but I'm one that hates to pay someone to do something I know I can do myself so I...

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