An honest review on Olive & June...

I recently caved on trying Olive & June nail polish, mostly because my bestie, Heather, has been using it for a while and her nails always looked super profesh from her at-home mani. Younger me used to paint my nails on the daily but once I "grew up" and had kids, who has time to wait on nails to dry?!? {PS I'm totally typing this post as I wait for my O&J mani to self-cure.} The current me still loves a good polished nail but I'm one that hates to pay someone to do something I know I can do myself so I...
Quarantine birthday parties don't have to suck...

Let's talk about quarantine birthdays... They can stink! I mean, WE MISS OUR FRIENDS!! But hear me out! I've got a way for you to still party with your posse!! My virtual craft classes have carried me through some tough months of retail during Covid. I love them and y'all love them! But did you know... YOU can host your own virtual birthday bash for yourself, or even for your kids, with my private party virtual craft classes?! This morning, I'm shipping out 5 bracelet making kits for a sweet girl's 11th birthday! Kids miss their friends too, but Mary...
My mom fail of the week...

It was a good idea in theory... I've been hesitant to send Davis to camps this summer because, #Covid, but since our travels are done for a few weeks, I enrolled him in his favorite sports camp this week for two reasons... 1) My boys needed some serious separation! We've all had way too much together time, and they needed a break from each other to remember that they actually, hopefully, love each other. 2) I thought that being down one kid at home would actually allow me to get more work done. And that's where I thought wrong... This whole camp...
Psst! Are you an Earring Envelope Insider?!?

Are YOU an Earring Envelope Insider?!? If you're new around here, allow me to introduce you to my monthly subscription of statement earrings delivered right to your door! Subscribe today and get in on August's envelope that features not one, but TWO pairs of simple, everyday earrings. Keep one and gift the other or truly #treatyoself to this exclusive earring party! Tap the button below to subscribe! Subscribe Here
Wheels up for the weekend...

Happy Thursday, I think... Actual footage of me skipping town for the weekend with my best girl, Heather! Don't look but the wheels of her minivan may have left tire marks as we peeled out of town sans kids. Heather's leading a small business retreat in Lake Lure and as her wing-woman, I cannot wait to connect with like-minded small business owners as we figure out how to rock the 4th quarter in retail during a global pandemic! {insert all the face palms!!!} Since taking The Painted Pearl full time this Spring, I've been fitting it in to the nooks and crannies of my day,...